Scientific Name(s) | : Botia histrionica |
Common Name(s) | : Gold Zebra Loach, Burmese Loach |
Family | : Cobitidae |
Species Type: | : Asian Loaches |
Maximum Size | : 4.5 inches |
Life Span | : 6 years |
Natural Habitat | : |
Minimum Tank Size | : 45 gallons |
Tank Region | : Bottom |
Possible Tank Mates | : Does well with barbs but any peaceful community fish will work. |
: 76°F – 84°F | |
pH Range | : 6.4 - 7.6 |
Hardness | : 5° - 10° |
Description: Nocturnal when first stocked. Once settled, these fish become quite brazen in appearance during daytime hours. An avid snail eater like their cousin the Clown Loach. Make sure to use smooth grained substrate to avoid damaged barbels. Smaller substrate is preferable to larger grain.
Breeding Information: Not yet successful in home aquaria, however fresh cooler water changes have been known to initiate courtship displays.
Sexing Information: Difficult to determine visually but females do tend to have larger bellies as adults.
Diet: Omnivorous - does well with flake or pellet foods supplemented with bloodworms and tubifex worms.
Temperament: Generally peaceful - Can be kept singly or in groups (6 being optimum), in groups hierarchy established by size, disputes can be fierce until established. May swim with barbs species if in aquarium. A very peaceful fish with other species.
Similar to: Immature specimens can be confused with B. kubotai, B. almorhae, and B. rostrata. With maturity, each species takes on more distinctive colour and patterning.
Care: This is a relatively placid member of the genus Botia. Gregarious and curious, they are well suited to the community tank, but should be kept in numbers of 3 to 5 or more. Unlike a number of other Botia species, B.histrionica will be seen more regularly in the daytime if given ample hiding spots, a large aquarium (minimum 60 gallons, but larger tanks will see more activity), and the clean water that suits other Botiine loaches.
Common Diseases: None specific to species.
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