Scientific Name(s) | : Heros severus |
Common Name(s) | : Green/Red/Gold Severum, Hero Cichlid |
Family | : Cichlidae |
Species Type | : South American Cichlids |
Maximum Size | : 8 inches |
Life Span | : 10 years |
Natural Habitat | : |
Minimum Tank Size | : 50 gallons |
Tank Region | : All over |
Possible Tank Mates | : Firemouth, Green Terror, |
Temperature | : 72°F – 84°F |
pH Range | : 5.1 - 6.5 |
Hardness | : 3° - 10° |
Description: Severum Cichlids are South American Cichlids from the northern Amazon region of Brazil . They are known by the scientific name Heros severus and also by the name Cichlasoma severum. Their common names include the Banded Cichlid, Hero Cichlid and the Severum. They have a body shape similar to a discus. There are two main color variations gold and green, the Gold Severum having been developed from the Green Severum. The Gold Severum has been been bred to a pale yellow iridescent color without the original distinctive dark bands. The Green Severum has a greenish body with several horizontal bands on its body.
Breeding Information: Severums are more difficult to breed than most New World Cichlids, because they do not form pairs as readily and the males are difficult to distinguish from the females. Like most cichlids they spawn on clean horizontal surfaces and are very good parents.
Sexing Information: Difficult to determine via appearance
Diet: Omnivorous - Does well with flake foods, blood worms, brine shrimp and cichlid sticks.
Temperament: Peaceful but may eat small fish.
Common Diseases: HITH - Hole in the head disease
Lighting intensity isn't an issue, but some areas of shade are always appreciated (floating plants are great for this as well as caves). Green Severums are relatively peaceful Cichlids and usually only become territorial or aggressive when breeding, but it always depends on the individual; they will defend themselves in regards to more aggressive cichlids bullying them. They can be successful within a community environment, but are more commonly kept in species or biotope-specific aquariums. Tank mates should be chosen carefully and regardless of a community, species-specific, or cichlid setup, their tank mates should always be comparable in size (Plecos, Geophagus and Parrot Cichlids could be good choices).
Green Severums are omnivores and eat insects, small crustaceans and vegetable matter in natural habitat. They have a tendency to prefer a lot of vegetable matter and will accept peas, lettuce, chopped zucchini, and chopped cucumber; they should also be supplemented with a variety of meaty and vitamin enriched foods such as live, frozen or freeze-dried ghost shrimp, bloodworms, mealworms, earthworms, crickets, and nutritional cichlid and algae (Spirulina) based pellets. Feed once or twice daily.
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