Blue Gourami - Profile

Scientific Name(s) : Trichogaster trichopterus
Common Name(s) : Blue Gourami, Three Spot Gourami, Opaline Gourami
Family : Belontiidae
Species Type : Labyrinth Fish
Maximum Size : 4.5 inches
Life Span : 6 years
Natural Habitat : Lakes in Malaysia, Thailand, Burma and Vietnam
Minimum Tank Size : 20 gallons
Tank Region : Middle to top of the tank
Temperature Range : 73°F – 82°F
pH Range : 6 – 8.4
Hardness : 5° - 35°

Possible Tank Mates: Community fish or other mildly aggressive fish with similar water requirements. The Gourami can get along in the tank with other fish of the same size and can live peacefully with barbs, clown Loaches, Bala Sharks, Danios, Rainbow Sharks, Red Tail Sharks and Rainbows.

Description: The blue gourami is a robust fish that should be kept with other hardy, but mildly aggressive, community tank fishes. When kept with active, aggressive fishes it will often retreat to a corner and hide. House only one male per aquarium, as they have a tendency to fight with one another. They should be housed in larger tanks (i.e., 30 gallons or more) that are densely planted with live plants, such as Hygrophila and Limnophila on the sides and back of the tank, as well as floating plants like Riccia. Artificial plants are also acceptable. Provide lots of hiding places for the female in the form of rocks and driftwood, and leave plenty of swimming area in the center to accommodate their lively antics. These fish are accomplished jumpers, so a tight-fitting cover is a must. The blue gourami accepts a wide range of foods, including small live foods, such as bloodworms, Tubifex worms, earthworms, glass worms and brine shrimp, as well as flake and freeze-dried foods. Supplement with vegetable matter in the form of Spirulina-based foods or parboiled vegetables, such as romaine lettuce, zucchini or peas.

Breeding Information: Sexes are primarily differentiated by the shape of the dorsal fin, which is long and pointed in males, compared to the females' shorter rounded dorsal. Females that are prepared for spawning will show a pronounced swelling in the breast area, while the male will have a far more slender girth. Both sexes display a much deeper blue color during breeding periods.

Sexing Information: Males have longer, more pointed dorsal fins.

Diet: These are exceptionally easy fish to feed, as they will accept virtually any foods, from flake to freeze-dried, to live foods. They will consume hydra voraciously, and are prized for their ability to eliminate this pest from the home aquarium.
Tetra JumboKrill Aquatic Supplement, 14-Ounce

Temperament: Mildly Aggressive, The Blue Gourami enjoys the company of the other varieties of Gourami. You could keep Gold, Blue and Opaline Gourami peacefully together in the same aquarium. Oddly enough, if you tank has only one variety of Gourami with other species of fish, the Gourami will conspire against the other fish. If you like a mix of Gourami in the tank, among other species, the Gourami tend to focus on their own type of fish and leave the other alone. It is recommended that you have a minimum of four Gourami's in your tank, with a mix of different varieties. 

Common Diseases: None specific to species

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