Black Ghost Knifefish - Profile

Scientific Name(s)
: Apteronotus albifrons, Sternarchus albifrons
Common Name(s)
: Black Ghost Knifefish
: Apteronotidae
Species Type
: Knife Fishes
Maximum Size
: 20 inches
Life Span
: 15 years      
Natural Habitat
: South American rivers (Amazon)
Minimum Tank Size
: 100 gallons
Tank Region
: Bottom
Possible Tank Mates
: Other peaceful community fish
: 73°F - 79°F
pH Range
:  6 – 8
: - 20°

Description: The black ghost knifefish is an impressive specimen. It is nocturnal and reclusive but is a sight to behold when it comes out. It is important to note that this is a large specimen that can reach lengths of 20 inches long. The black ghost knife fish thrives in aquariums that have plant life. This provides cover for them to hide. Some aquarium owners will purchase a clear plastic tube that is big enough for the knife fish to sleep inside. This allows viewing all day long when the animal is sleeping. 

General Body Form: The fish is almost entirely black, but is differentiated by a distinct striped black and white tail pattern. An elongated, laterally compressed species with a long anal fin that starts at the base of the pectoral fins. The caudal peduncle is also long, and the rounded caudal fin is very small. The small Dorsal fin is filamentous

Coloration: The body and fins are a jet Black color, the base of the tail fin is marked with two wide vertical bands. There is a white stripe on the back starting at the head and extending about halfway down the body.

Breeding Information: Breeding is not possible in a home aquarium.

Sexing Information: No easy method available to determine sex. 

Diet: Carnivorous - Does well with a diet of flake or pellet foods. Can be supplemented with a diet of small fish, bloodworms, tubifex worms, brine shrimp, krill or beef heart. The Black Ghost Knifefish is nocturnal, so food should be added after lights are off to ensure the black ghost knife fish it receiving nutrition.

Electric food finders.  These nocturnal feeders use a weak electric current to locate food in the dark.  This makes black ghost knife fish poor tank mates with other so-called electric fishes such as the elephant noses, baby whales, and other mormyrids.

Temperament: Generally peaceful and reclusive, but can become aggressive. Will eat small tank mates.
Common Diseases: No specific 

1.    Don’t mix two black ghost knife fish together.  They argue very much with each other  especially in small aquaria.
2.     Be careful when medicating fish tanks with Black Ghost Knife Fish inside. Since the fish are scaleless, they react differently to medication than fish with scales. They are more sensitive, so the doses of medication should be halved as to not endanger the Black Ghost Knife Fish.

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