Green Terror Cichlid - Profile


Scientific Name(s) : Aequidens rivulatus, Chromis rivulata
Common Name(s) : Green Terror, Green Rivulatus
Family : Cichlidae
Species Type : South American Cichlids
Maximum Size : 13 inches
Life Span : 11 years
Natural Habitat : South American rivers and streams
Minimum Tank Size : 60 gallons
Tank Region : All over
Temperature Range : 68°F - 78°F
pH Range
: 6.4  - 7.8
: 10° - 25°

Possible Tank Mates: Other large and aggresive South American cichlids such jack dempseys and red devils. Some success has been had with slightly less aggressive species such as oscars, firemouths, convicts, silver dollars and clown loaches. Also, large plecos should do fine.

Description: Males grow around 10-12inches upon full maturity while females are more around 7-9inches. They have a green sheen on the body with each green scale having a black dot in the centre. The tail of the gold saum is a brilliant red as is the lining of the dorsal fin. The acara like saums in the hobby today come from Ecuador and aren't overly aggressive but do have an attitude especially when breeding. The true rivulatus hasn't been seen in the hobby for more than 10 years mainly from what I've heard due to drug trafficking in and out of Peru, which is where the true terror is from. I have seen one and it tends too look a lot more like the geophagus species with a longer snout than expected. Those fish were true terrors as well, comparing that to the red terror (festae) it shares its watery home with in the wild. Tank mates would include jack dempsey's, convicts, oscars and other cichlids of similar size that aren't too aggressive like midas and festae. Unless of course the tank is extremely large. Dithers such as silver dollars, giant danios work well as would clown loaches and certain catfish like plecos and pictus.

Breeding Information: Use a lower to medium pH of 6.5-7.5, and a higher temperature of 25°C. Change the water frequently. The eggs are laid on a carefully cleaned flat rock. These fish show excellent parental care, and can become extremely aggressive when spawning and/or caring for their young. They will lay some 400+ eggs. Which the fry can take finely crushed flake or baby brine shrimp upon becoming free swimming. If breeding these fish in a tank with other fish, be sure the tank is large enough for the other fish to stay out of the green terror's territory.

Sexing Information: Males are generally larger and have a bump on their forehead.

Diet: Carnivorous - Feed with flakes, pellets or frozen food such as brine shrimp and blood worms.

Temperament: Highly aggressive

Common Diseases: HITH - Hole in the head disease

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