Betta FAQs

Below are some common questions and answers, gathered from different sources, about Betta Fish :

Why does my Siamese Fighting fish lie on the bottom of the tank?
Answer: This is normally a sign of less than perfect water conditions or the fish may have an illness. Checking the nitrate levels of your water will show if they are too high, if so do more regular water changes.

Why do male Siamese fighting fish blow bubbles when alone?
Answer: These fish create nests when they feel happy. They don't necessarily need a female to be present in the tank in order to start building a nest.

What happens when Bettas eat too much?
Answer: They become fat and this usually leads to health problems. Such Bettas' immune system is not strong. Especially when they become older, the probability of being sick will be much higher than in case of normally fed Bettas.

Which fish complement a Siamese fighting fish?
Answer: Siamese fighting fishes (males) are highly aggressive and will often be described as belligerent towards other males. It is not advised to let them live other males of the same species. The males will even exhibit aggression toward females of their own species.

They are, however, peaceful toward species such as Tetras, Plecos, Loaches, Cory's and so on. Bettas may feel disturbed when there are too many fish in the tank and they will become shy in such a situation.

What happens when 2 male Betta Splendens are added to the same tank?
Answer: The first thing that will happen is that they will fight until one of the males has been killed. They will both try to claim the tank, so 2 males should never be placed together.

What fish will fight with bettas?
Answer: Other male bettas will attack and nip off fellow male bettas fins and females bettas may be harassed for breeding if housed with other male bettas. A good rule of thumb is to stay away from cichlids and fish with similar tail structures as the betta.

What happens if a male Betta takes a dislike to a female Betta?
Answer: The male Betta will terrorize the female and attack her. At the first sign of this the fish should be separated else the male will end up killing off the female.

Why is my Betta fish losing its color?
Answer: This means that the Betta is getting stressed over something. This will lead to ill health in the fish. Betta fish do not like water flow, turning the filters down will help. Test the water to make sure that it is good quality water in the aquarium.

What is happening when a betta fish turns white?
Answer: Stress and disease or fungus can cause this to happen. It is recommended to test the water and eventually start a treatment.

What is the special water for the betta fish called?
Answer: Generally it is simply called betta water, but depending on what pet store you frequent it may have a brand name.

Which food will make my Betta strong?
Answer: Brine shrimp and bloodworms are ideal for Betta fish, Tetra Bettamin is also a specially designed flake food for Betta. Only feed sparingly as they have small stomachs.

What size of the tank should be used in breeding a Betta fish?
Answer: A 3-5 gallon tank is large enough for breeding Betta; remember, when the fry are hatched they will need to be moved to a larger growing on tank.

At what age will my Betta fish mate?
Answer: This can vary between individual fish but most Betta fish will become sexually responsive after the age of 3 months.

Is it safe to add a female fighting fish to the tank when the male is making a bubble nest?
Answer: This should be the prime time to add the female. Condition the female first with some live foods and when added to the tank, see if the male invites her to the bubble nest. If the first attempt does not succeed try adding a different female.

Why does my female Betta stay still when I add the male Betta?
Answer: The female may not wish to mate with the male or she may feel intimidated by his presence in the tank. Try separating them for longer or using a different male.

How can you tell when a female Betta has eggs?
Answer: Quite simply her belly will swell and a white spot will appear to grow in front of her anal fin.

When is mating season for Betta fish?
Answer: There is no specific mating season for these fish, getting the correct water conditions and feeding the right diet will often persuade the fish to mate.

What do you need to breed betta fish?
Answer: To start you need a male and a female. Then you need to ensure that they are getting a good quality diet, some live food will give them a boost. No circulation as this will disturb the bubble nest. The temperature must not go below 77 degrees Fahrenheit and the pH should be near 6.5.

What do you do if your Betta has built a bubble nest in the tank?
Answer: Basically there is not a lot you can do. If the female is in the tank he will invite her over to the nest. The only way you can help them is to turn down the water flow on the filters so that the bubble nest will not get damaged.
How can I tell if my female Betta has laid her eggs?
Answer: Once the female has laid her eggs, her belly will have shrunken down in size and the male will be protecting the nest, this will include chasing the female away.

Why has my female Betta released her eggs before introducing the male?
Answer: This all depends on how long she has been holding the eggs. After a period of time her present eggs will be released ready for the next batch.

How do I feed my Betta fish fry?
Answer: Never feed the fry until they have absorbed the yolk sacs and are swimming horizontally. Their first meal should be micro worms, after the first day they should be fed twice a day.

What should the fry of Betta fish eat?
Answer: Artemia salina. They can also eat egg yolk.

When do Betta fry start to swim?
Answer: Betta fry become free swimmers once they have absorbed their yolk sacs. This normally takes 2-3 days. When free swimming, the male should be removed from the tank.

I have bought a Betta fish, how do I introduce him to the tank?
Answer: All fish need acclimatizing to your water conditions, float the bag for 20 minutes and then slowly add your tank water to the bag before releasing the fish.

Why are Betta fish kept in small bowls?
Answer: Betta fish do not like any water movement as they are not capable of swimming against it. They are also Labyrinth fish so do not need to obtain oxygen from the water. However, we do not recommend anyone to house Betta fish in small bowls!!!

How do you sex fighting fish fry?
Answer: There is no way of sexing any fish fry. As the young develop the male fighting fish will develop long flowing fins and bright coloration. The female will be much drabber with shorter finnage.

Why do my fighting fish just lie around?
Answer: Fighting fish prefer aquariums with no water flow and often this is not the case. If the tank is not set up to their liking they will show their disapproval and unhappiness by becoming inactive. Bad water quality can also lead to lethargy in the fish.

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